We are a group of patients who meet regularly to decide ways of making a positive contribution to the services and facilities offered by the practice to patients.
What is the purpose of a PPG?
Our purpose is:
- To give patients and practice staff the opportunity to discuss topics of mutual interest in their practice.
- To provide the means for patients to make positive suggestions about the practice and their own healthcare.
- To encourage health education activities within the practice.
- To develop self-help projects to meet the needs of fellow patients.
- To act as a representative group that can be called upon to influence the local provision of Health and Social Care.
Read our Information Sheet and the PPG Constitution.
Our Action Plan
We have an Action Plan which directs our activities. This is based on the surgery’s Mission Statement and patient feedback.
Virtual PPG
If you would like to join our PPG but can’t attend the meetings, you can sign up for our virtual PPG and we will keep you updated and seek your feedback via email [email protected]