If you think you are pregnant, you can self-refer to the Community Midwives Team at www.esht.nhs.uk/maternity-self-referral. They will guide you through your pregnancy and birth. It is also useful to let us know too, so we can update our records and be on hand to support you if needed.
There is lots of useful information on their website East Sussex Hospitals Trust Maternity.
NHS.uk has lots of useful information about getting pregnant, being pregnant or caring for your new baby.
NHS.uk/start4life has advice and tips for pregnancy, birth, parenthood, breastfeeding support 24/7, weaning and more. It puts everything parents need to know in one place.
Antenatal classes and groups
There are a range of antenatal classes you can join from 16 weeks pregnant and beyond. For more information and to book, visit www.esht.nhs.uk/service/maternity/your-pregnancy/antenatal-classes-and-groups/
Breastfeeding Support and Bottle Feeding Tips
The Family Hubs in East Sussex provide breastfeeding support including baby feeding groups – visit their website to find out more Feeding your baby | Family hubs
The NHS website provides advice on bottle feeding – visit Bottle feeding advice – NHS
Parenting Support
Find out about parenting support on our website: Parenting support