Lead for:
- Respiratory,
- Asthma,
- Minor Surgery,
- Community Dermatology
I have been a GP Partner in Oldwood Surgery, Robertsbridge since completing GP training in 2015. I grew up in Hastings, and have spent my life around the Hastings and Rother areas. For the first few years as a GP, I additionally worked for the local out-of-hours provider as a visiting GP, seeing patients at home across the whole of Rother over nights and weekends. This highlighted to me the wide differences and challenges in both health and social care that exist in our communities, made challenging by our geography, provision of local services and infrastructure.
My professional focus has thus centered around the provision of quality healthcare, efficiently and provided in a way that is inclusive for all.
The PCN Clinical Director role offers opportunity to plan, promote and create a more joined up healthcare model for our communities. One that reaches out to those most in need, who are often less able to reach out themselves.
Working with the seven PCN GP surgeries, the many health, social, local government, charity and volunteer services in Rother, our increasing PCN team aims to develop a more comprehensive and holistic care network for the betterment of us all.