Are you a carer?
You’re a carer if you’re looking after someone regularly because they’re ill, elderly or disabled – including family members. Carers help with:
- washing, dressing or taking medicines
- getting out and about and travelling to doctors’ appointments
- shopping, cleaning and laundry
- paying bills and organising finances
They can also give emotional support by:
- sitting with someone to keep them company
- watching over someone if they can’t be left alone
All of these count as being a carer. If you are a carer, please let us know by completing the form below. We may be able to help you. GP surgeries also have to compile information for the government about the numbers of carers attached to the surgery so your information will help them to do this.
Social Prescriber for Carers
Our social prescriber provides support for carers. To find out more and self-refer, visit the Rural Rother PCN website.
Care for the Carers
Care for the Carers is an independent charity and the Carers Centre for East Sussex. Their team of staff and volunteers can provide free practical and emotional advice – face to face, by telephone, or online. They can put you in touch with other carers, and help you navigate the range of services available locally. They also run support groups, training and events across the county.
Find out more at their website or call 01323 738390 to book an appointment to see their local support worker.
Care for the Carers Mental Health Service
Care for the Carers have a new Mental Health service to support people caring for those experiencing serious mental health illness. Contact them on 01323 738390 to find out more.
Carers UK
Carers UK is a national charity providing advice and support for carers. Find out more at their website:
DISC Dementia Carer’s Support
DISC is a support service for the Carers and former Carers of people living with Dementia. They will support you from the journey to diagnosis until the end of your caring role. They have a Carers Support Group that meets at Robertsbridge Village Hall on the first Wednesday of every month from 10.30am to 12.30pm. Find out more on their website
Social care and support guide
There is a wealth of information on about carers and caring. If you or someone you know needs help with day-to-day living because of illness or disability, the NHS website explains your options and where you can get support.
Telephone helplines and forums
You can find websites and contact details for charities and support groups here.
Herbert Protocol
Sussex Police is raising awareness of the national scheme, The Herbert Protocol. The scheme encourages carers or next of kin, to compile useful information which could be used in the event of a vulnerable elderly person going missing. For further information please visit the following link provided by Sussex Police Herbert Protocol.
Carers Form
Let us know you are a carer by completing this form: